How do I create a team?
Firstly, you must register as an individual and then follow the prompts to create a team.
Invite others to join your team by logging into your dashboard and sharing your page's URL.
What is the DIY walk?
The DIY walk allows you to complete any distance of the Sunshine Walk at a location of your choice!
For the second year, the Sunshine Walk will be held as a hyrbrid event, offering both a virtual walk and in-person options starting and finishing at Albury Sports Ground.
As the Albury Wodonga Regional Cancer Centre covers a large regional catchment, many of our outlying communities are organising to walk as individuals and in groups in their own town. We also have some who take part from across Australia and even overseas!
Everyone who registers for the walk receives a complementary Sunshine Walk shirt so we can turn the region yellow!
Is there a time limit?
Most walkers will be expected back at the Albury Sports Ground by 12 noon. We will have sweeper buses come and collect remaining walkers on the course from 1pm.
What is the size chart for the T-shirts?
Will drink stations and toilets be available along the course?
Yes, there will be toilets and drink stations about every 5km on each course.
Are there any age restrictions for the walk?
No, we welcome walkers of all ages to take part. Children aged five years and under are free.
When do registrations close?
Registrations for the Sunshine Walk will close 30 minutes before the event is due to start. For the 20km walk, this will be at 6.30am, 10km course will be 8.30am and 5km course at 9.30am.
Can my kids take bikes, scooters, roller blades/skates or skateboards on the course?
No, this is a community event celebrating walking and supporting the Albury Wodonga Regional Cancer Centre Trust Fund. Due to the hazardous nature of bikes, skateboards, rollerblades and other moving equipment, these will not be considered as participants in the walk.
Can I take my dog?
No, due to the large number of participants expected and to ensure the safety of walkers, dogs and other animals are not permitted on the course.
Can I walk with a pram?
Yes, as we are encouraging families to take part in our walk, prams are permitted on the course. We ask that anyone with a pram to please be mindful of the safety of other walkers.
Can I run?
No, the Sunshine Walk is for walkers only and does not cater for runners.
Do I need to fundraise as well as pay for registration?
We ask all participants to fundraise for the Albury Wodonga Regional Cancer Centre Trust Fund. Your registration fee covers your participation, costs of the event and a donation to the Trust Fund. Fundraising will help us have an even greater impact on families touched by cancer in our region.
Will the event be cancelled if it is raining?
No, the walk will still go ahead as planned if there is rain. Walkers are advised to bring wet weather gear should the weather forecast be for rain.
Will there be parking available?
Yes, there is ample parking surrounding Hovell Tree Park, as well as nearby Noreuil Park.
How else can I get involved?
We want to bring some sunshine to our communities and help shake off the winter lockdown blues!
Shops are encouraged to dress their windows in yellow, and for residents to do the same in their front yard.
Corflute signs of Sunshine Walk suns ideal for the garden are available for a gold coin donation from Healthfocus Physiotherapy in Albury, Lavington and Wodonga, or Vision Screenprinting in Albury.
Alternatively, you may to wish to host a fundraising event as part of Sunshine Week. From Monday, November 6 to Sunday, November 12, schools, businesses, sporting clubs and community groups are encouraged to host an event to raise money and awareness for the Albury Wodonga Regional Cancer Centre. This might include a morning tea, yellow clothes day or a head shave!
For more information, click here
What is Sunshine Week?
The Sunshine Walk is held as part of Sunshine Week, which is the signature fundraising event of the Albury Wodonga Regional Cancer Centre Trust Fund.
From Monday, November 4 to Sunday, November 10, schools, businesses, sporting clubs and community groups are encouraged to hold a fundraising event to help raise money and awareness for the cancer centre.
Fundraising events could include a morning tea, yellow clothes day or a trivia night.
For further information click here
Who do I contact for further information?
The Albury Wodonga Regional Cancer Centre Trust Fund can be contacted by phoning (02) 6064 1538 or email events@awcancertrust.org.au